Monday, March 7, 2011

3 Questions

a)    Why are you studying English?
English is a bridge of exchange with other country people. English is a basic of business and trade in international markets. English is a tool of connection with other people. First of all, In an English country, all of people speak English. If I want to shopping, handling accounts in bank, or to do something etc., I have to speak English with other people.
Moreover, I want to know what events are happening in the world through the TV programs and newspapers. Last of all, I need to learn English in PCC, because PCC is a good place to learn English. They have a lot of professional professors and make strict trains with students. In conclusion, studying English can help me to know other country's people and things. If I don't study English, I won't understand more anything. I have to studying English.

 b) Do you use English very much you're not in this class? Explain what situations you need to use it in.
When I am not in this class, I use English very less. I usually use English just like this, “How are you?” “Bye-bye!” I always speak Chinese at home. I think I don't used to express in English. I usually use English in answer the phone, and ask something with other people etc. Sometimes I have to speak English, I always go with my friends or my family. I think it is not a good habit.

c) How do you feel when you use English? Are you sometimes nervous, comfortable, or ...? Explain.
Sometime I have to speak English in somewhere, but I feel my English very poor. Sometimes I answer the phone, I always can't understand what they are saying, because they talk so fast. When I use English, I feel a little nervous. My response was too slow and made a lot of wrong. I can't clear and exact to express myself. I want to clear express myself as other people do.


  1. Have you ever take a listening class at PCC?

  2. Do you still nerous when you speak English with others ?

  3. I took a listening and speaking 1 class in last winter class. I did't take listening and speaking 2 class in this semester. Maybe next semester I will take it.

  4. I still nerous when I speak English with others.
    I need repeat practice a long time.

  5. i feel the same way as you did when i first try to speak English with others. So right now, will you still feel nervous at all, or got better?

  6. I still fell nervous at all. I need a long time to practice.
