Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rewrite: Talented Mountain Climbers

1. get health
2. exercise will
3. never give up
Climbing mountains is a very popular sport for young people, but it is a very perilous and hard sport. If you want to be a successful climber, you have to own gift and force. Joe and Simon were talented mountain climbers.
First of all, they have got health from this sport. “Touching the Void” is a true story about Joe and Simon climb mountains. They will have faced the threatening weather and accomplished the climbing. So they had to exercise their body before climbing. In addition, climbing mountains has exercised their will. In order to achieve the aim, they have to overcome the threatening weather and varied topography’s effect to accomplish their mission. They have learned own stubborn will, and they reached the summit. Finally, they have learned never give up. Joe broke his leg, and Simon helped him in any way, but Joe also descended and fell into a crevice. If Joe gives up escape out from the crevice, he will die. Joe didn’t give up, and he crawled hardly and climbed use another leg. Finally, he found Simon and saved himself.
In conclusion, Joe and Simon got a lot of benefits from climbing mountains. This story tells us that our life is very valuable. We have to treasure and cherish it. We need to have staunch will to face hard anything.
(236 words)

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