Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Good Place for Study (Video)

Pasadena Public Library Map

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A Good Place for Study (Yesica and Ling)

1. Provide access
2. Wide open spaces
3. Convenient traffic

     Students have a lot of places for study. They can choose wherever they want to study. Yesica and I choose the Pasadena Public Library as a good place to study.
     First of all, the Pasadena Public Library provides the access to help visitors. The Library allows the visitors bring their laptops. The laptops may connect to the Library's website. Also, several computers are located throughout the Library for visitors to access the website. It has open Lab for people who want to learn about computer. In addition, the Library has wide and open spaces. Usually most people do not like being in a room full of people because they don't have any spaces to walk around or sit. The wide and open spaces will make the visitors feel comfortable when they need to walk around and sit to read books. Last, at the Pasadena Public Library we can facilitate to PCC and our homes. We can go to the Library by car, bus or maybe walk. It doesn't spend so much money and time just to go there.
     In conclusion, this Library gives us a good idea to look for other places to study instead of PCC or Starbucks. Spend time in there is a good choice for us.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rewrite: Talented Mountain Climbers

1. get health
2. exercise will
3. never give up
Climbing mountains is a very popular sport for young people, but it is a very perilous and hard sport. If you want to be a successful climber, you have to own gift and force. Joe and Simon were talented mountain climbers.
First of all, they have got health from this sport. “Touching the Void” is a true story about Joe and Simon climb mountains. They will have faced the threatening weather and accomplished the climbing. So they had to exercise their body before climbing. In addition, climbing mountains has exercised their will. In order to achieve the aim, they have to overcome the threatening weather and varied topography’s effect to accomplish their mission. They have learned own stubborn will, and they reached the summit. Finally, they have learned never give up. Joe broke his leg, and Simon helped him in any way, but Joe also descended and fell into a crevice. If Joe gives up escape out from the crevice, he will die. Joe didn’t give up, and he crawled hardly and climbed use another leg. Finally, he found Simon and saved himself.
In conclusion, Joe and Simon got a lot of benefits from climbing mountains. This story tells us that our life is very valuable. We have to treasure and cherish it. We need to have staunch will to face hard anything.
(236 words)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Rewrite: PCC's ESL Program

1. Strict
2. Practical
3. helpful
There are ESL programs in many schools in Los Angeles. Choosing a suitable school is very important for students. I have good reasons why I chose PCC's ESL program.
First of all, PCC's ESL program is a strict program. There are a lot of professional professors, and they are very responsible and patient. Students are trained and have to reach the levels of what the professors asked. Students have to study and practice for many tests. The practices can quickly improved students' ability of ESL of listening, speaking, readinig, and writing. In addition, PCC's  ESL program are very practical for students. While students take ESL classes, they can try to take other subjects' classes. ESL program is the basic of learn other subjects. Students can use ESL knowledges right now when they learn other subjects. PCC has many practical subjects and career training certificates programs by students and employers welcome. Finally, PCC's ESL program is very helpful for students. PCC has ESL Center and Reading Center for ESL students. There are many DVDs, many kinds of books, and tutors. Students can use the materials and resources in ESL Center. Tutors can help students on grammar, writing and pronunciation. The ESL Center and The Reading Center have improved our listening, writing, and reading ability.
In conclusion, PCC's ESL Program have helped students quickly improve use English's ability. Students are much better to exchange in English on study and life. So PCC's ESL Program is a great program for students.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rewrite: Learning Ways I Prefer

1. Visual
2. Auditory
3. Reflective
        There are a few ways I prefer for learning. Usually there are a lot of ways for learning, but I think that choosing some appropriate ways to study are very important. They can help me quickly improve. First of all, I like a visual learning style. I think that it is a easy and general way to study. I can read books, auxiliary materials, and magazines anywhere. I use my eyes to see and understand other things. PCC Library provides several levels books for students that can quickly improve my vocabulary quantity.  In addition, I am good at auditory learning style. Listening can make us understand what we want to know. We listen to others, and learn with teachers. It make our listening more and more good. I listen to the radio, a CD, and TV that it practice my listening a lot. Last of all, I like a reflective learning style. When I see a thing, it gives me an image in my brain. I can make it connect with knowledge that I studied. I can try to describe in new language when I see something. Also, I can try to talk with other people who can speak English. This way can practice my reflective ability. In conclusion, appropriate learning ways can improve my level of English very much. They can aviod me take a wrong ways and waste much time, and make me study more effectively.

Friday, April 8, 2011

VARK Survey

The VARK Questionnaire Results
Your scores were:
Visual: 12
Aural: 11
Read/Write: 15
Kinesthetic: 15
You have a multimodal (VARK) learning preference.

Multiple Intelligences Survey

Monday, March 21, 2011

Good Ways To Study English

We know many ways to study English outside class. Nowadays, English is a bridge to communicate with different countries people, to help understand each other's cultures and economy. Besides communication, English is also a tool to improve your abilities, so we have to study English in a good and effective way. First of all, listening and speaking is the basic skills of studying English. We have to understand others by listening to them, so we have to practice our listening. We can buy some English tapes to listen to every day, watch cartoons on TV to try to understand the simple conversations and create an enviornment to pratice your speaking. We can also listen to radio to know the events of society and learn the accent of English. Moreover, writing is essential in our live. We always use it while we are working and schooling. Learning garmmar is the basic job of writing. We should read more books and work on grammar exercises as much as we can. Memorizing vocabulary also helps to express ourselves clearly in writing. Last of all, reading is the most improtant thing to study English. While reading, we can learn the ways to write essays from native writers. We can also learn different knowledge while we are reading. It can improve our English even faster. To sum up, the important thing is to recognize the advantages and disadvantages of ourselves. From this, we can make a plan to work out English and learn it effectively.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Learning English

My first experience learning English was difficult. Whatever, learning a new language aren’t easy, because it isn’t a mother tongue. Not only you should train your listening, but also you should learn speaking and writing. First of all, you have to continuous exercise your listening by any ways. If you can’t listen to English words, you won’t understand anything. I had an experience for listening, our classmate said a sentence that had a word “restaurant”, but I mistook the word, I thought it was “restroom”. So I didn’t understand the mean of the sentence. It spent a lot of time for understand. Moreover, Speaking is essential. When you want to express your thought, you have to speak with others. If you can’t express your ideas accurately, you will achieve nothing. So if you want speak very well, you should often talk with other people in English. It can improve your speaking ability. Also, take a regular college to learn English is a most important way. Last of all, writing is basic of listening and speaking. Writing is a most basic form with other people exchange as well. However, Just listening and speaking aren’t enough. We often use the writing in job and life. We have to send letters or E-mail to each other. So writing is the most basic skill. Also, PCC is a good place for learning English. They have courses of grammar and writing, listening and speaking, and reading for ESL students. Those courses can improve your new language very much. In conclusion, learning English is very difficult for anyone. You have to continually study for a long times. You have to remember a lot of words repeatedly, because you always forget them. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

3 Questions

a)    Why are you studying English?
English is a bridge of exchange with other country people. English is a basic of business and trade in international markets. English is a tool of connection with other people. First of all, In an English country, all of people speak English. If I want to shopping, handling accounts in bank, or to do something etc., I have to speak English with other people.
Moreover, I want to know what events are happening in the world through the TV programs and newspapers. Last of all, I need to learn English in PCC, because PCC is a good place to learn English. They have a lot of professional professors and make strict trains with students. In conclusion, studying English can help me to know other country's people and things. If I don't study English, I won't understand more anything. I have to studying English.

 b) Do you use English very much you're not in this class? Explain what situations you need to use it in.
When I am not in this class, I use English very less. I usually use English just like this, “How are you?” “Bye-bye!” I always speak Chinese at home. I think I don't used to express in English. I usually use English in answer the phone, and ask something with other people etc. Sometimes I have to speak English, I always go with my friends or my family. I think it is not a good habit.

c) How do you feel when you use English? Are you sometimes nervous, comfortable, or ...? Explain.
Sometime I have to speak English in somewhere, but I feel my English very poor. Sometimes I answer the phone, I always can't understand what they are saying, because they talk so fast. When I use English, I feel a little nervous. My response was too slow and made a lot of wrong. I can't clear and exact to express myself. I want to clear express myself as other people do.